Supports for providers

An email icon.

If you are a provider and you need more support, you can email National Disability Services Western Australia.

Quality Assurance Panels

A behaviour support plan document with a tick above a Quality Assurance Panel icon. The icon is of a group of people behind a bench.

A Quality Assurance Panel is a group of people who check behaviour support plans.

They decide if the restrictive practice can happen.

They follow the rules in our policy about restrictive practices.

An email icon.

Providers can email Development Disability WA (DDWA).

An external practitioner and a magnifying glass.

DDWA can help providers find an external behaviour support practitioner for a Quality Assurance Panel.

An external practitioner connected to a Quality Assurance Panel icon and a restrictive practices icon with a tick.

External behaviour support practitioners are people that:

  • need to be on all Quality Assurance Panels
  • help decide if a restrictive practice can happen.

A dollar sign and a Quality Assurance Panel icon.

The Government pays external behaviour support practitioners from DDWA to be on Quality Assurance Panels.