Positive behaviour support includes many people

A light bulb and a research document with a person supporting a person with disability on it.

In this bulletin, we look at another idea from the research about positive behaviour support.

A light bulb above 3 people.

Research shows that positive behaviour support involves the ideas and experiences of many different people.

This includes:

A group of people with disability pointing at themselves.

  • people with disability

3 people smiling.

  • the people who care about them

A group of professionals smiling.

  • professionals.

A magnifying glass with a tick and a research document with a person supporting a person with disability on it.

Positive behaviour support also uses evidence about what supports work well.

Evidence is proof that something is true.

A professional writing on a document.

This evidence might come from different professionals.

A light bulb and a thumbs up.

Positive behaviour support works well when everybody is open to different ideas and experiences.

A person thinking. Above them is a cross next to a thought bubble with a person inside it.

This means that people don’t just think about the ideas and experiences of one person.

This can help people understand:

An importance icon inside a speech bubble above a person with disability pointing at themselves.

  • what a person with disability needs

A person supporting a person with disability. Above the person is an importance icon inside a speech bubble.

  • what the people around them need

A positive behaviour support icon.

  • different types of support that work well.

What you should think about

A tick above 3 people with disability.

You should think about how best to work with different people.

A person supporting a person with disability.

This will help to understand what support a person with disability needs.

This includes thinking about:

A light bulb above 2 people pointing at themselves.

  • the ideas and experiences of people with disability and the people around them

A light bulb above 2 professionals writing on documents.

  • the ideas and approaches of different professionals.

A justice scales icon above a person with disability and another person.

You should treat them all equally.