Word list

This list explains what the bold words in this document mean.

A person with disability pointing to themselves. Next to them is a behaviour support plan document.

Behaviour support plan

A behaviour support plan is a document that explains what support a person with disability needs.

A behaviour support practitioner working with someone at a desk to create a behaviour support plan.

Behaviour support practitioner

Behaviour support practitioners work with a person to create a behaviour support plan.

This plan might include restrictive practices.

They follow the rules in our policy about restrictive practices.

A person with an upset expression. Next to them is a problem icon.

Behaviours of concern

Behaviours of concern are things someone does that might put:

  • themselves in danger
  • other people in danger.

A newspaper with an importance icon next to it.


A bulletin is important news we share with the community.

A delegate in front of 2 people. The delegate has a speech bubble above them.


A delegate is a person who:

  • is part of the provider’s organisation
  • speaks for the provider’s organisation.

An evidence document with a provider supporting a person on it. Next to the document is a magnifying glass with a tick in the lens.


Evidence is proof that something is true.

An external behaviour support practitioner connected to a Quality Assurance Panel icon and a restrictive practices icon with a tick.

External behaviour support practitioner

External behaviour support practitioners are people that:

  • need to be on all Quality Assurance Panels
  • help decide if a restrictive practice can happen.

A person with disability pointing at themselves with their other hand raised. Next to them is a safety icon.

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission)

The NDIS Commission makes sure people with disability who take part in the NDIS:

  • are safe
  • get good services.

A policy document in front of a government building.


A policy is a government plan for how to do things.

A positive behaviour support icon - a person supporting someone with disability, with a thumbs up above them.

Positive behaviour support

Positive behaviour support is about supporting a person with disability to live a good life.

A provider pointing at themselves.


Providers support people with disability by delivering a service.

A provider supporting a person with disability to use a laptop. Above them is an icon showing quality.


Quality is about good services that:

  • meet the needs of people with disability
  • give people with disability choice and control.

A Quality Assurance Panel - a group of 3 people behind a bench. Above them is a behaviour support plan with a tick next to it.

Quality Assurance Panel

A Quality Assurance Panel is a group of people who check behaviour support plans.

They decide if the restrictive practice can happen.

They follow the rules in our policy about restrictive practices.

A restrictive practices icon - a person in restraints with a locked padlock next to them.

Restrictive practices

Restrictive practices are actions that stop people from:

  • moving
  • doing what they want.

A person giving 2 thumbs up. Next to them is the scales of justice.


Rights are rules about how people must treat you:

  • fairly
  • equally.

A person supporting someone to make a decision. The person being supported has a thought bubble with a ticked checkbox in it.

Supported decision-making

Supported decision-making is when someone helps you make important decisions about your life and how you live.