Supports for providers

A provider pointing at themselves.

If you are a provider and you need more support, you can contact the services below:

Providers away from cities and towns

An email icon.

You can email Western Australia’s Individualised Services.

Providers in or near cities

An email icon.

You can email National Disability Services Western Australia.

Providers who deliver psychosocial support

A mental health icon.

When you have a psychosocial disability, you might need support for your mental health.

An email icon.

If you provide this support, you can email Western Australian Association for Mental Health.

Quality assurance panels

3 people behind a bench. Above them is a document showing a list and a tick.

A quality assurance panel is a group of people who check behaviour support plans.

They decide if the restrictive practice is okay.

A tick next to a document showing a person in restraints, a locked padlock, a tick and a cross.

They follow the rules in the policy about restrictive practices.

3 people behind a bench. One person is raising their hand.

Providers need a behaviour support practitioner to be part of your quality assurance panel.

An email icon.

They can email Developmental Disability WA (DDWA).

A government building and a dollar sign.

DDWA can help providers find a practitioner that the government pays to be on quality assurance panels.