Why we need our policy

A speech bubble that has a policy icon inside of it. There is a question mark next to it.

In this bulletin, we explain why we need our policy.

Our policy includes rules about restrictive practices.

A stop icon next to a restrictive practices icon. The icon is of a person in restraints and a lock.

It also includes a plan to:

  • use less restrictive practices
  • stop using restrictive practices.

Our policy makes sure:

A person with a thought bubble. The thought bubble has a thumbs up icon inside of it.

  • providers use restrictive practices for the right reasons

A justice scales icon and a person holding 2 thumbs up.

  • people protect the rights of people with disability.

A computer with a policy document on the screen.

You can read more about our policy on our website.

www.wa.gov.au/government/document-collections/authorisation-of-restrictive- practices-resources