What providers need to do before a Quality Assurance Panel

A person. Justice scales. A person in a wheelchair.

People with disability have the same rights as everybody else.

And it is important that everybody supports these rights.

Justice scales. A thumbs up.

Providers must make sure a behaviour support plan respects the rights of the person with disability before they set up a Quality Assurance Panel.

Arrows pointing in three directions. A risk icon - a meter pointing at the highest level and a caution icon. A stopwatch.

This includes making sure they will:

  • try other ways before they use restrictive practices
  • only use restrictive practices when people are at risk
  • use restrictive practices for the shortest time possible.

A document with a padlock. A tick.

Providers must make sure a behaviour support plan follows our policy before they set up a Quality Assurance Panel.

A document with a tick. A magnifying glass.

This includes making sure there is evidence that each restrictive practice follows the principles our policy.

Evidence is proof that something is true.

A restrictive practices icon. A document.

Providers must make sure that the restrictive practices they want to use are included in the behaviour support plan.

Someone pointing at a caution icon.

Providers must check that the restrictive practices will be used because of a behaviour of concern.

Somone looking concerned. A caution icon.

Behaviours of concern are things someone does that might put: 

  • themselves in danger 
  • other people in danger. 

Three people pointing at themselves. A speech bubble.

Providers must check that other people had a say in creating the behaviour support plan.

A group of diverse people standing together.

This includes:

  • people with disability
  • families
  • carers
  • the provider who will use the behaviour support plan.

A restrictive practices icon. An arrow pointing down. A cross.

Providers must check that the behaviour support plan includes ways to:

  • use less restrictive practices over time
  • stop using restrictive practices over time.