Practices that people can’t use

A speech bubble with a question mark next to it. Inside of the question mark is a restrictive practices icon with a cross over it.

In this bulletin, we explain:

  • which practices people can’t use
  • why people can’t use them.

Option 'A', 'B' and 'C' next to a restrictive practices icon with a cross over it.

There are certain types of practices that people can’t use.

A person looking upset with their arm in a sling.

They can cause people to get hurt or even die.

A computer with a policy document on the screen.

We have a list of the practices you can’t use in our policy document.

You can read our policy document on our website. practices-resources

A justice scales icon and a cross.

These types of practices are against people’s rights.

No one should ever use these.

A stop sign next to a police officer raising their arm.

If somebody uses one of these practices, they may get in trouble with the police.

A website icon.

You can read more about our policy on our website. practices-resources