Tell us what you think

A thought bubble with a question mark inside it.

We want to know what you:

  • think about our bulletins
  • want to learn about.

An email icon - an envelope with a speech bubble that has an '@' symbol in it.

You can send us an email.

We might include your question or topic in our next bulletin.

A speech bubble with a restrictive practices icon inside it, and a question mark next to it.

You can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (NDIS Commission) if you have any questions about:

  • restrictive practices
  • how people support you.

A person pointing at themselves and raising their hand next to a safety icon.

The NDIS Commission makes sure people with disability who take part in the NDIS:

  • are safe
  • get good services.

An email icon - an envelope with a speech bubble that has an '@' symbol in it.

You can send the NDIS Commission an email.